
Addiction Counselling Treatment

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Tag: ACT Intervention

  • Feel Stuck? Intervention ACT now.

    Feel Stuck? Intervention ACT now.

    ACT Interventions

    Ground-hog day behaviours, feelings, same old same old?

    ACT Interventions move everyone towards goals and away from stuck patterns.

    Acceptance Commitment Therapy, A.C.T. suggests we only move towards goal in ways conducive to our values. Sometimes this is really difficult, but we accept the difficulty, even if we could avoid discomfort by old patterns of avoiding, procrastinating, or in the case of family interventions, enabling.

    Enabling is an away behaviour used to give short term avoidance of fear, shame, guilt, hopelessness, but it is an away behaviour. It resolves nothing for the family, or the addict who still suffers.

    Acceptance Commitment Therapy underpins process interventions in a simple practical manner.

    Bill Stevens is a specialist addictions therapist who uses Acceptance Commitment Therapy within the Family Intervention process.

    If you are stuck with another persons untreated addiction we can help. 0800 5300012