
Addiction Counselling Treatment

Freephone: 0800 530 0012

RedChair Data protection

The information about confidentiality in no way contravenes your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation of May 2018 to access personal data that RedChair holds on you. RedChair keeps confidential records and statistics about its clients. All records are kept securely and are only seen by authorised RedChair personnel. These records are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation of May 2018. Some of the information we may collect is classified as sensitive personal data and we can only use such data where we have your explicit consent. This data may include racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, criminal proceedings and offences. Your personal and sensitive personal data will only be used in order to provide the service to you and for managing and quality assuring the service. Records are kept electronically for as long as needed.

RedChair recognises that on rare occasions our clients may wish to exercise their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation May 2018 and make a subject access request in respect of their personal information held by RedChair. Often during counselling, information is provided by more than one individual. In these cases, RedChair will only release information if all of the individuals involved have given consent. If at any time you wish to exercise your right under the Act you should put your request in writing to RedChair, and provide evidence of your identities such as a copy of your passport or driver’s licence and proof of your address. When RedChair receives your written request with evidence of identity they will respond to your request within 40 calendar days. RedChair’s response to a valid subject access request will normally be in the form of a schedule listing and describing the personal data we hold on them.


RedChair counselling is a private and confidential form of help. We hold information about each of our clients and the counselling they receive in confidence. This means that we will not normally give your name or any information about you to anyone outside the organisation. However, there are exceptional cases where RedChair might ethically or legally have to give information to relevant authorities, for example, if we had reason to believe that someone, especially a child, is at serious risk of harm or to prevent a miscarriage of justice. We will discuss any proposed disclosure with you unless we believe that doing so could increase the level of risk to you or to someone else.

If you come with a partner or your family, the counsellor may suggest seeing each of you individually. It is important for you to know that what is said in those individual sessions will be confidential and not shared with your partner or family.

When a workplace intervention, family intervention or family members support and fund counselling or treatment we will ask for an open attendance disclosure. This means that non-attendance at sessions will be shared with the person who funds the sessions. This does not include the content of what is said in sessions.

RedChair Interventions involve sharing of information and written letters, and these are often passed on to a treatment provider. At all times you control the use and distribution of your information. Sharing information with other agencies as part of a journey of care is often essential.

RedChair may ask for permission to share your information in service of assisting you or others in your group regarding further therapy, treatment or help.

RedChair will ask for your permission at all times to share information with others for therapeutic support. We take your verbal consent to contact another agency, service or organisation on your behalf, as your agreement to disclose information. Please be specific when you do not with information to be discussed.

RedChair does not use your private information for marketing purposes. We do provide links to other services in support of your care. Your privacy is not protected by us once you click on a link to the new site.

RedChair uses secure and encrypted electronic storage for all client notes, emails, and correspondence. All electronic methods of Clients and business information usage are password protected regardless of the device used to access said information.

Authorised electronic recording

Occasionally a counsellor, for example, one who is undertaking a training course, will be required to tape-record a counselling session. Some counsellors regularly use audio or video recording in their work and in these circumstances you will be asked to give your written consent for this to happen. The consent will specify all the ways in which the recording will be used (for example training, supervision or research) and will specify how and when the recording will be destroyed.

Reports and client records

Occasionally RedChair is asked by our clients or by external agencies such as treatment centres or lawyers to write reports on the progress made in counselling. We are happy to do this when it is a client-led request. We will resist all attempts to gain access to client information from any third party or legal entity when it is not requested for release or disclosure by the client.

Codes of ethics and practice

All RedChair counsellors and supervisors are required to comply with the code of ethics and practice that is appropriate to the work they undertake. We expect all affiliates, partners, and independent and commercial services we refer to and to maintain standards appropriate to the service offered. Please check before you use any suggested services that they do indeed meet your needs.

RedChair maintains adherence to the ethics of the Association Of Intervention Specialists (Link)

Affiliates / Referrals

RedChair is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

This site also does or intends to place advertisements from various advertisers on this website from time to time, including but not limited to Google Adsense which, if you click through, we will be given a percentage of the cost of that click.

Finally, we reserve the right to add products to this website in the future. We will receive compensation for any purchases by visitors. There are thousands of products on the internet available for purchase, but we include only those products that we have researched and believe to be good. We reserve the right to receive affiliates/referral/management fees from other service providers advertised on this site.

Cancellation policy

If you intend to cancel, at least 24 hours notice should be given otherwise the session or work is fully chargeable. Fees are payable in advance of all services.

Feedback and complaints

Please ask for support from RedChair in regard to any complaints or feedback you wish to make known. or 0800 530 0012. We will respond promptly.