ACT Recovery Program – Gambling
ACT – Recovery Progam
ACT – Acceptance Commitment Therapy. A proven program for abstinence from problem gambling. Learn ACT, apply it and benefit from new freedom. Your specialist therapist will take you from stuck to free with a progressive active program of change.
Gambling for most is a pleasure, a socially acceptable enjoyable experience. The only consequences are a winners exhilaration and laughter or maybe tears with a wry and slightly embarrassed losers resignation.
However, in recent years Gambling accessibility and availability has changed. Promoted and largely uncontrolled or regulated gambling has moved into the private hell of one’s life via smartphones.
Online gambling now accounts for a modern shift that has seen the big providers able to profit beyond all recognition.
There are victims. They are hidden in plain sight and are hard to reach or help. Unable to stop reaching for the smartphone, the addictive online app, checking, swiping, impulsively and compulsively there are no stops or hurdles to total immersion in problem gambling.
The consequences are clearly financial, yet more than that, a private gambler is losing dignity, honour and self-esteem. That is the private hell of gambling.
What Can You Do?
Reach out. Tell someone. Name and shame the gambling that has you dancing to its tune. On your own, there is little help or hope. As soon as you speak to someone then you are able to prise a gap, a breathing space between you and the nightmare.
Now start to look to add recovery and change to your repertoire of options. You can not unlearn how to gamble, you can, however, learn and practice other ways of responding to impulsive thoughts and feelings.
We can help. Come along and learn how to change with ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy). With effort, practice and honesty you will make changes that you desire.