
Addiction Counselling Treatment

Freephone: 0800 530 0012

PRINCIPLE 1: Non-discrimination

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must not discriminate against clients, organizations, or other professionals based on race, religion, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, mental or physical handicap, national origin or economic condition.

PRINCIPLE 2: Competence

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must recognize that this profession is founded on standards of competence which promotes the best interest of the client, the therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor and the service as a whole. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must accept the need for ongoing education as an integral part of professional competence. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must recognize the boundaries and limitations of one’s own competencies, and not offer services or use techniques outside of these professional competencies. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must recognize the effect of physical and mental impairment on professional performance, and be willing to seek appropriate treatment for oneself or for a colleague.

PRINCIPLE 3: Legal and Ethical Standards

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must uphold the legal and accepted ethical codes which pertain to professional conduct. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must not use the affliation or name RedChair to the detriment of the service or the clients wellbeing.

PRINCIPLE 4: Client Welfare

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must respect the integrity and protect the welfare of the person or group with whom the specialist is working. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must assume the responsibility for clients’ welfare either by termination by mutual agreement and/or by the client becoming engaged with another professional.

PRINCIPLE 5: Confidentiality

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must embrace, as a primary obligation, the privacy of clients and must not disclose confidential information acquired in teaching, clinical practice, training or consultation sessions, except when there is a clear and imminent danger to client or other persons.

PRINCIPLE 6: Societal Obligations

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must adopt a personal and professional stance which promotes the well being of all human beings. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must inform the public through active civic and professional participation in community affairs of the effect of addiction, and must act to guarantee all persons, especially the needy and disadvantaged, have access to necessary resources and services.

PRINCIPLE 7: Remuneration

The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor must establish arrangements in professional practice which are in accord with the professional standards that safeguard the best interest of the client, the specialist and the profession. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor may not exploit relationships with clients or patients for personal advantage or satisfaction. The therapist/mentor/coach/counsellor will disclose affiliates, partners, care pathways where there is inter-organisational financial remuneration associated to the funding of care and further support and provision of services.