
Addiction Counselling Treatment

Freephone: 0800 530 0012

RedChair Pre-Intervention & Preparation

Mentality & Perspective.

It is important, from this moment on, you adopt a mentality based on the following:

  1. Addiction in any form is an illness which can be treated.
  2. We do not wait for an AI (addicted individual) to want help or hit rock bottom.
  3. The group has hit rock bottom already. We are ready now.
  4. Addiction is a family condition that affects all, so all are involved in change.
  5. Enabling is not helping. Enabling is the major facilitating environment for addiction to develop.
  6. We are going to invite the AI (addicted individual) to join us, the CO’s (Concerned Others) in recovery.
  7. Resist doing others people thinking for them. Assuming often creates problems.
  8. Keep dignity and love at the heart of the process,
  9. Trust that good treatment works. We just have to get them there.
  10. Individually we can not help a poorly person, but as a group we can. Always trust in the group consensus.
  11. There will no longer be any secrets or alibis regarding the nature of the addiction within the Intervention Group.
  12. Detail is important. A methodical approach works.

Pre-Intervention To Do List.

Keep this secret for the moment from the AI (addicted individual). Work through this process with your Interventionist.

  1. Forming An Intervention Group.
  • Make a list of everyone who is, could, and should be in contact with the AI.
  • Ignore any reasons why people should not be involved. Just list them initially.
  1. List health and legal history of AI.
  2. Discuss with Interventionist and short-list group members.
  3. Decide on a date and location.
  4. Invite members –  asking each of them to talk with your Interventionist.
  5. Based on the sharing and collation of information from previous steps.
  6. Decide on Intervention Model. (ACT, Johnson etc)
  • If it is a Johnson model, then plan a method to ensure we can meet with the AI when we need to.
  1. Choose and organise treatment option.
  2. Contact GP and prepare a GP referral letter should it be required.
  3. Take a deep breath. This works. It will be OK.