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Dopamine & Addiction

Wondering why you feel addictive, for better or worse? Obsessive ideas? Can not leave something alone? Often, chasing down the goal, or next thing/experience seems like an overwhelmingly important all or nothing life mission. Yet, once you have it, been there, got it, somehow, empty. Now what? This restlessness can be tracked back to many complex factors. One we can pay particular attention to is Dopamine.

Dopamine Desire tries to balance and preserve your life by hitting the pain/pleasure triggers. We evolved whatever that could keep us alive, survive, and prosper in times of shortage and risk. Dopamine was definitely effective. This same dynamic is still fully active in our world of wealth, with terrible outcomes. The evidence is obesity, addiction, alcoholism, and deteriorating mental health trends.

ACT – (Acceptance Commitment Therapy, pronounced act) fosters radical acceptance, defusion, present moment awareness, an open to self as context perspective, and values that culminate in committed action. Isn’t it simple? Yes, in many ways, but bringing fresh viewpoints to our awareness allows us to grow and develop freedom in service of our health, families, society, and riches.

As a result, we implore you to spend some time learning about Dopamine’s neuronal function. This widely misunderstood molecule has been at the heart of human survival throughout our evolutionary process, spanning many generations. It is present, and it resides within you and me. It is not passive and exerts a significant influence on our behaviour.

The Molecule Of More by Daniel Lieberman

The Molecule Of More by Daniel Z Lieberman . M.D.

How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity-and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race

Dopamine affects our worlds, our evolution, and our lives completely. Knowing how this is guiding your behaviours, thoughts, and feelings is a gateway to a new freedom.

Amazon Links -The Molecule Of More

Dopamine Nation by Dr Anna Lembke

dopamine nation Dr Anna Lembke

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence.

Dr Anna Lembke explains how our dopamine nation creates and perpetuates suffering and struggle.

Amazon Links – Dopamine Nation