Cocaine Addiction and Dependency Therapy Program
Private outpatient specialist therapy program. Bespoke and tailored to your specific personal needs. Your recovery therapist will guide you every step of the way.
Matching clinical interventions to the nature and extent of your situation, you will move out of active addiction in any form and into Active Recovery.
One size does not fit all
Cocaine problems do not start and stop with drugs, neither do active recovery programs. You will be supported in stopping using, as a gateway to a life where staying stopped really works for you. Targeting wellness for personal health, family, work, social you will enjoy the full breadth and depth of new freedom.
ACT – Acceptance Commitment Therapy
ACT, (said as the word act) provides the platform for change. This third wave behavioural science-based therapy moves you out of drug use, supports your plan for a new life. With methods, techniques, new skills and plenty of practice, ACT supports long term change.
Who and What is really Important to you?
We understand that when you stop to reflect on who and what is important to you, then you are also defining where the real recovery and work will take place.
What is your Cocaine use really costing you?
What price are you paying for your dependency, abuse or addiction? You call it what you like. Are you done with paying the price?
We can help. Your Recovery Coach will build a personal Recovery ACT Program around your life, needs, goals and values that is realistic, affordable, appropriate.
Therapy Care Planning Consultation
All the therapy programs start with a personal assessment leading to a realistic care plan. Call RedChair Cheshire Addiction Therapy Service now. This first session is 2 hours @ £180.00 and takes place at 23 Hawthorn Street Wilmslow, SK9 5EH.